Record breaking hatch covers!

Record breaking hatch covers!

TechNews 1-2000

New Danish hatch cover design sets new world record...

Tech-Marine Equipment ApS has invented a new hatch cover construction, which is essential more simple and is using less material than the prior known constructions. As a consequence of this, the hatch cover is easier both in handling and operation terms. Another benefit is the opening principle that

makes the traditional wheel lifters superfluous.

In addition to the new opening principle; the weight of the hatch cover is reduced considerably due to the mechanical properties and optimization of the weight distribution by using direct calculation – finite element method.

The construction in the pictures is a 4-fold weather deck hatch with a span of 16.5 m, dimensioned for container cargo up to 90 ts per stack.
Furthermore Tech-Marine Equipment has been in charge of the design and supply of the remaining of the more traditional 2-fold weather deck hatches.

The new hatch cover construction is patented and approved by the classification society Germanisher Lloyd.

Tech-Marine Equipment ApS delivers a turnkey product including: